The Sewage Pond’s Memoir, 2011

Ravi Agarwal
The Sewage Pond’s Memoir, 2011
Colour video projection with sound
6 minutes, 30 seconds
Installation view

Artist Statement

The forest of the Delhi Ridge marks the end of the Aravalli Range, the billion-and-a-half-year-old mountain chain that extends along the western coast of India.

For more than a thousand years, its water and cover have provided ecological security for the many cities of Delhi that have arisen. Although parts of the forest are now legally protected, it is constantly being degraded, as the exploding cities encroach ever closer, dumping sewage and garbage and erecting illegal constructions.

What is nature? In one way, nature is defined by atoms and molecules, and bound by their laws. In another, it is a concept that resonates with us in deep ways, a part of our individual and collective memories, our culture, poetry and mythology. Urban migration implies that we have left our traditional rural roots behind and moved into the grid of a new global modernity.

Here, ideas of nature are locked into the technology of resources, usage and functionality. Sewage is measured in liters and water quality. When sewage does not flow in its desired course, it overflows into the forest, which becomes a marker of a dysfunctional system rather than of belonging.


This project was part of Sharjah Biennial 11

Artwork Images

The Sewage Pond’s Memoir

Ravi Agarwal

Colour video projection with sound
6 minutes, 30 seconds
Installation view

The Sewage Pond’s Memoir Image